New Logical will be partnering with the Mothers 2016 group for a 2nd year, in hosting and livestreaming the heartfelt and meaningful Butterfly Ceremony. The Mothers2016 are a diverse group of mothers who have experienced the loss of a child under various circumstances. They are mothers, living with the impact, effect and aftermath of one of life’s most devastating events.
Our Annual Butterfly Release Ceremony will be held on Saturday, August 28th 1:00 p.m. in remembrance of our children to whom are no longer with us in this physical world under various circumstances, one of the most unnatural experiences in life. If you know of anyone who would like to have their child’s image and words of comfort to be shared during our live streamed ceremony, please have them follow this link to fill out the form for submission…/1FAIpQLSfbewtDp7s…/viewform… the end date to submit, August 22nd.